If you are reading this far into my blog chances are you have a firm sober foundation, you have been sober for a number of years and are an active member of our fellowship, therefore you are one in which the solution has come to fruition...
"But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours. Until such an understanding is reached, little or nothing can be accomplished."
Page 18 The Anonymous Press Study Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous
Someone has delivered this message to you in a way that has in point of fact won over your confidence. All too often those who know nothing of the illness they refer to in this book, attempt in vain to carry a message to us. We as members need to be on guard against this. I make no claims as to the legitimacy of other methods of recovery, I am certain that something out there works for others...My experience is the program of AA is the only thing that worked for me, and that the message was delivered not by a doctor or judge, but rather a well meaning member of our fellowship who had, himself, been sober many years and practiced our principles in his daily affairs.
There is something about a shared struggle that makes one more receptive to the solution, once you know that I have been where you have and others dare not tread, suddenly we are as brothers...
Yes there is a solution, it is ours to transmit and theirs to receive...
"But the ex-problem drinker who has found this solution, who is properly armed with facts about himself, can generally win the entire confidence of another alcoholic in a few hours. Until such an understanding is reached, little or nothing can be accomplished."
Page 18 The Anonymous Press Study Edition of Alcoholics Anonymous
Someone has delivered this message to you in a way that has in point of fact won over your confidence. All too often those who know nothing of the illness they refer to in this book, attempt in vain to carry a message to us. We as members need to be on guard against this. I make no claims as to the legitimacy of other methods of recovery, I am certain that something out there works for others...My experience is the program of AA is the only thing that worked for me, and that the message was delivered not by a doctor or judge, but rather a well meaning member of our fellowship who had, himself, been sober many years and practiced our principles in his daily affairs.
There is something about a shared struggle that makes one more receptive to the solution, once you know that I have been where you have and others dare not tread, suddenly we are as brothers...
Yes there is a solution, it is ours to transmit and theirs to receive...
Is there a solution?