Monday, September 6, 2010

Made a difference to that one...

Said the little boy...

Sometimes there will be blog entries that are nothing but inspirational stories that I have picked up along the way, parables that have increased in depth over the years...

An old man sat at the edge of a sea shore looking down the beach below.
Off in the distance he sawa small boy walking along the beach throwing stranded star fish back into the ocean. Curious, the old man wandered down to the water to inquire about the boys actions.

"Young man," he said "you cannot possible make a difference, just look at all of these Star Fish, you are just wasting your time."

The young boy, reached down, picked up the nearest Star Fish, gingerly threw it into the water, then turn to the old man and said, "Made a difference to that one."

While we cannot make a difference to the whole world, our actions can and will make a difference in just one person's life. While the trend is that if the work looks overwhelming why even try, think of all the good that can be done along the way.


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